All Work & A Little Play= A Successful Integration
After one month at site, I'm starting to figure out how I will spend the next two years. I've spent a great deal of time at the health centre and found a few programs I can help with. I foresee myself doing education programs that promote nutrition, youth friendly health services, and family planning.
I'm also seeing where I can help at the Community Based Organization (CBO). They serve a large population with physical challenges and I've been helping with the physical therapy program. I'm hoping to integrate a nutrition program with them and possibly income generating activities. There is also a large HIV+ support group that I would like to work with in some way.
I've had the opportunity to attend a planning meeting for the implementation of a new vaccine in Malawi and it's pilot program in my district. It will be interesting to track progress. I also attended a Peace Corps training on HIV/AIDS. It was very good and could lead to even more success for the volunteers in the field. And the training was held at Senga Bay on Lake Malawi so it was not only educational, but relaxing!
My free time has been spent at home getting to know my neighbors, my cat (Peppers), and acquiring furniture. My house is coming along nicely and is almost ready for visitors!!