Peace Corps....Part 2
Five years ago at this time I was preparing for my departure to Zambia. I was unsure of what I was getting myself into. I knew nothing about fish farming, bucket bathing, cooking on an open fire, or doing laundry by hand. I learned quickly and perfected my methods over the following 2 years. No secret though.....I frequently longed for a hot shower, internet, and a washing machine but I was happy. I learned fish farming (and even taught it), a new language, and how to slow down and enjoy life. For the last 2 years I've found myself longing for my Zambian life and now I'm doing something about it. I'm joining the Peace Corps again!
I was originally told I'd be heading to sub-Saharan Africa in April but a month ago I got a call from Peace Corps and was presented with a great opportunity. I anxiously awaited the UPS man for a couple days but finally got the big envelope I had been anticipating. I found an invitation to serve as a Community Health Advisor in Malawi. I couldn't get much closer to Eastern Province, Zambia! And the job is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm not sure of my exact duties and won't know until I get posted to my site but the short story is, I will get public health experience and that's what I want.
I leave for staging in Philadelphia on February 24 and then head to Malawi on February 26. I will have 2 months of training and then 2 years of service. The last month has been very hectic - working (until 2/18), gathering necessities, selling my car, and spending time with family and friends. Things are falling into place and I'm concentrating on enjoying the next two weeks to the fullest.
I will miss my family, friends, and the wonderful people I serve at Oe. I've been very fortunate to have the opportunities I've had and when I'm having a rough day, I will remind myself of this fact. It's good to be humbled: Oe and Africa have a way of doing just that.
I hope to maintain this site better than I did a few years ago but I can't make any promises so check back occasionally. As soon as I know my long term address, I will post that on here.