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Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Always Wanted to be a Disney Character....

I am officially a bush baby now! I have been living in my village since August 25 and so far so good. Ansel and I are the talk of the town! Here are some highlights of the first few weeks.

I was posted Friday morning and it went well. I woke up around 5am Saturday morning and had to pee but didn't want to go to my latrine. I figured that since it was still dark and I have a 6 foot high fence around my yard it would be safe to just go in the yard next to my house. I went back outside two hours later and someone had put ash on my pee spot! I don't know if someone saw and/or heard me but if they saw me it would have caused further alarm b/c I was only wearing underwear and a sports bra! I learned my lesson...I use my latrine no matter what time it is!

One afternoon I was sitting on my stoop and I heard a sqealing pig and barking dogs, which isn't all that uncommon, but this pig was more distressed than most. I, of course, had to investigate. I walked outside my fence to see the pig running directly at me so I went around the corner of my fence. The pig saw his opportunity and went in my gate and then into my house! The pig enjoyed his 10 minutes of safety but eventually the boys in my village caught him and loaded him on the back of a bike to go to pig heaven. I would guess the pig weighed 200+lbs and the only "damage" was some spilled water!

I have a crazy cat that acts like a dog by sleeping all day and begging for food. He hunts all night and sometimes leaves "presents" (mice) for me in kitchen and in the yard. I got him 2 days before I got posted and the next morning I took him to the vet to become less of a man and get his rabies vaccination. The vet told me I need to come back in 10 days to get the stitches out but I told him that wouldn't be possible and I would do it myself. Ansel isn't really into traveling and I did't have the money to go back to Chipata just to remove some stitches. I spent the next 10 days plotting my attack and saw my chance one night when he was sleeping. I used a Swiss Army knife and tweezers and he didn't even wake up! Getting him neutered was a whole 'nother story. It seemed as though I might be doing the surgery myself for a while but the vet eventually took control and 1/2 hour later my cats testicles were carried out on a silver platter!

The first week or two I felt like a Disney character or zoo animal b/c people would stand outside my fence and stare at me for hours. I think I'm losing my luster though b/c now they only stare for a few minutes at a time. I went to see some traditional drumming and dancing last weekend I felt like I stepped in a page in National Geographic!

I will soon get furniture and my hut will feel like a home! I will take pictures and while I'm in Chipata this weekend I hope to mail a disc home to be uploaded! I will post again next month!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pal,

Does poor Ansel know how you talked about him and how nothing is sacred!!! Can't wait to see your pics after seeing Julie's. It makes me feel a little closer to you,getting to see the things you see, very awesome! Once you get furniture, keep your door closed to incoming animals, next time you may not be so lucky to have only spilled water!
Take care and get busy with the villagers and your project!

Thinking about you every day,missing you and Loving you!


12:10 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

I loved Julie's pictures, it was great to get a glimpse of you in your new environment.

You crack me up with your stories. Over the past few months, my cat has been leaving my "presents" too, but no more!! I called a pest control company today (and had to pay them $250), but that's supposed to take care of the problem. It's money well spent if it works. It totally ruins my morning to wake up and find a dead mouse corpse first thing.

I watched this PBS special about this school in Kenya for at-risk boys from Baltimore Maryland last night. It was very interesting, you would have loved it.

Ok, have a good day, and take care!

4:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey christi!!!
just read the pig/pee stories!! how freaking hysterical!! It truly sounds like an adventure everyday there!! Keep us posted of your continued goings-on--we love it!!!
Deb & Jim

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Christi, I love reading your updates and hearing all about your experiences. Please keep it up whenever you can.

Sara (Cook)Simmons

4:47 PM  
Blogger kc said...

Hey Christi,
I'm an idiot, I haven't checked your blog in months thinking you hadn't had a chance to update it!

I loved the pictures, you look happy and healthy :) It also appears you're surrounded by a few cute boys...

Ansel is beautiful! I can't believe of all places you decide to get a cat that it's in Africa!
I'm really happy you have him to keep you company. HOw did you find him? Is he feeling better after his operation? The Swiss Army people can now add neutering that to the 1000's of things a knife can do.

So I'm guessing the years you spend living w/Kate, Lindsay and I and are messiness were just preparing you to live in a mud hut! Now you can look back and see that we weren't that bad!!! Knowing you, you're mud hut is just as neat and tidy as it can possibly be.

I miss you lots, you're in my prayers daily.


6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Christi - Thanks so much for sending all the pictures - we sure enjoy looking at them. I assume you are continuing to take pictures and will keep adding them to your blog. It would be neat to see more of your village and a little info on about how many people live in your village and if you are the first Peace Corps worker in the village, which maybe you are since they had to build a home for you. Good luck with your upcoming teaching classes and with learning more of the native tongue. We love you, Christi. Grandma & Grandpa D

5:38 PM  
Blogger ray said...


good work on the stitches, i couldnt do it and for those reasons dont have a cat. can't wait to see you at ist!

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Christi,

Mike Johnson here. Just wanted to chime in and say hi. It sounds like you are doing well and already having some little adventures. Your stories are very funny :). I just looked at your Zambia pictures--very interesting! I can't wait to read more about what you're doing, and see more pictures. (Things are great in Georgia--the new job is going very well, and the new home and town is nice. Just really busy.) Take care of yourself, be safe.


2:20 AM  

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